How much are house cleaning services ?

This depends on the size of your house — enter how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have into the form above and get an instant quote. We’re confident you’ll find prices extremely reasonable given the high level of service you will receive from your pro.

Does house cleaning include laundry ?

If you have a washing machine and/or dryer in your home, your professional can absolutely wash and fold your laundry for you! But you need to add it as an extra during the checkout process so the professional can be sure to set aside enough time to clean your home and still have time for laundry.

How long should a house cleaning take ?

It depends entirely on the size of your house! The minimum booking length is 3 hours, but you can always request a longer booking if you need one. Depending on the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you have, our checkout process will automatically scale your booking to the recommended amount of time for a home of your size.

What do you recommend me to do before the tribulation comes to my place ?

Para nos ajudar a prestar-lhe um melhor serviço, pedimos aos nossos clientes que recolham roupa, brinquedos, arrume a loiça e qualquer outro objecto doméstico que ache que estará no nosso caminho.

Do i need to be during the cleaning ?

No, Most of our customers are not at home during the cleaning and they trust us with their keys. The majority of our customers even prefer not to be home so we can provide a better service.

How Many people will i have cleaning mu place ?

You will have two uniformed people cleaning your place – a team leader and a team member.

Rarely you will have three people or one person depending on the size of your place.


Our company staff understands that you care about your privacy and we will do our best to satisfy all your needs.